Fee and Charges Chart

Visit Charges:

Farmhouse Consultancy (8 Visits/month) = Rs. 5000/month (without Medication)

Dairy Farm Consultancy (8 Visits/month) = Rs. 8000/month (without Medication)

Farmhouse Visit Charges = Rs. 1000 (without Medication)

Dairy Farm Visit Charges = Rs. 500 (without Medication)

Local Visit within 2Km Range from G.V.H.s = Rs.200 (without Medication)

Local Visit Far 2Km from G.V.H.s = Rs. 300 (without Medication)

Medication Charges:

Cattle /Buffalo = Rs. 450 ( Complete Medication in form of Injections)

Male Cattle /Buff = Rs. 450 (Complete Medication)

Sheep/Goat = Rs. 100 (Complete Medication)

Cat/Dog = Rs. 200 (Complete Medication)

Horse/Mule/Donkey = Rs. 450 (Complete Medication)

Birds = Rs. 50/Bird

Surgery Charges:

Castration of Cattle/Buff = Rs. 500

Castration of Sheep/Goat =Rs. 150

Surgical Operations = Rs. 1200 (depending upon condition and nature of surgery, these are minimum charges)

Wound Dressing/Management = Rs. 200/Dressing (depending upon wound condition)

Note: Other Surgical Operation will be charged depending upon condition of the Patient.

Revised Rates and Charges are 70% less than above mention charges. This Offer is limited for details of charges please contact at 03338579990